Plot Twist
A plot twist can be hidden behind every Expedition.
These twists may be random or may depend on certain conditions, such as:
Catalyst equipped during Expedition
Level of your Voxel Apes
Size of your squad
Level of your squad Some examples of Plot Twists:
Lucky Treasure (No Conditions)
A Voxel Ape during an expedition trips over a branch and falls into a crater. The crater is full of Weirdonite!
Extra Weirdonite
Glow of destiny (Use of Catalyst)
A Weird Ape notices an intense glow emanating from his catalyst, an uncontrollable force drives him into the depths of a cave where a large stash of weirdonite was hidden.
Extra Weirdonite & XP
An unusual discovery (No Condition)
During an expedition, a Weird Ape gets lost in the dense jungle and discovers a dimensional rift, from which weird animals and objects spawn.
an Exclusive NFT or an extra amount of Weirdonite
The Olympus of Wisdom (A certain level of Voxel Ape)
A Weird Ape is determined to uncover the mysteries of the CronosJungle. It will travel to the Olympus of Wisdom to meet the wise Elder, who has lived since immemorial time. The transmission of knowledge will harden the Weird Ape's soul, making it gain EXP.
Extra XP
Abundance is everywhere(No Condition)
Your Weird Ape hides in an old mine to take refuge from a dark presence. In the mine there are carts full of Weirdonite, but not only that... Some words are engraved on the walls, they are archaic languages.
Extra XP & Weirdonite
Apes Together Strong (Size of your squad)
Climbing to the top of a mountain, a Weird Ape breaks his ankle. The other team members carry him on their backs throughout the whole expedition.
Returning safely from their expedition, these generous companions are rewarded by the Weird Apes Treasury.
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