Report sales on almost all marketplaces in the Cronos Chain!
Last updated
Report sales on almost all marketplaces in the Cronos Chain!
Last updated
🎣 Ebisu's Bay
🟥 Minted.Network
🐺 Moonflow
🦊 CorgiStudio
🌊 CroSea
🔳 tofuNFT
⛵ OpenSea
🪄 Magic Eden
🐺 Moonflow
🔳 tofuNFT
The marketplaces do not reported on Cronos Chain by the bot do not provide APIs and either do not emit events on the contract, or did not intend to make the contract code public or offer the necessary ABIs to the bot. All remaining markets in the Cronos Chain will be included as soon as it is technically possible to do so, i.e. when the conditions written above occur.
Cronos ID supported
On chain name and lore reported
CRC20 tokens reported
Prices converted to CRO and dollars
Rank reported
Hypertexts to: seller, buyer, transaction, market
Timestamp of the exact sale time
Emoji function of price and floor ratio
Floors updated every few hours
Reports both purchases and accepted offers
Ebisu's Bay NFT Bundles reported
Market of origin of the purchase reported
Tiers reported for collections divided into subgroups
Tiers floor supported
Gif supported
Customisable according to the needs of the collection