Breeding allows any owner of a Genesis Weird Ape and a Lady Weird Ape to generate a Baby Weird Ape by spending 480 $WAC per breed.
Thanks to Renting, it is not necessary to own Genesis and/or Ladies to generate a Baby, you can pay other users in $WAC to use theirs and probabilistically design your Baby!
Breeding takes place on our DApp, where you will find a dedicated user interface that will guide you through the whole process and the choice of the NFTs involved. Genesis can reproduce an infinite number of times, Ladies instead can have a maximum of 3 babies.
The result of the breeding process will not be a Baby directly, but an Incubator.
The incubator is an NFT as well, where the bred Baby is hidden, and does not reveal it. The holder in front of an incubator has two choices, either not to open it and thereby hide the Baby contained within, or to open it and reveal the hidden Baby. Both Baby and Incubator are both tradable on the secondary market (Ebisu's Bay,, and others).
Last updated